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Right-click the Windows key, select the New submenu and choose the Key option. Updates often d3dcompiler_46.dll include feature enhancements and security updates to protect Windows from malware and malicious attacks. All Windows updates are made available as they are released via the Microsoft Update Catalog website. The Microsoft Update Catalog is designed with the IT professional in mind, so it isn’t a very user-friendly website. However, it can still be a useful tool if there is a specific update or patch you are looking for. On Microsoft’s website, they provide a section for Windows software downloads covering Windows 10, 8, and 7.

  • It enables you to understand the process quickly, so you don’t have to worry about making mistakes.
  • This is a helpful mechanism as we might skip doing this quite often.

Cyber-attacks have changed over the past few years. Rogue hackers can now take over your PC and lock down files unless you are ready to pay them money. These types of attacks are called Ransomware, and they use kernel-level exploits that attempt to run malware with the highest privileges, e.g., WannaCry and Petya ransomware. In order to mitigate these types of attacks, Microsoft has rolled out a feature that allows you to enable Core Isolation and Memory Integrity to prevent such attacks. Every manufacturer has there virtualization support options in the BIOS/UEFI located in a different section. In a lot of ASUS laptops, it’ll be under the “Advanced” settings.

Locating Simple Advice In Dll Errors

This wikiHow article teaches you how to keep Windows up to date using the Windows Update Tool. Though most updates are installed automatically in Windows 10, you can run the update tool to check for new updates and install optional new features. Microsoft will offer the free upgrade later this year. You’ll be able to download Windows 11 for free through multiple sources and may even be able to use your existing Windows 10 product key. Before installing Windows 11, make sure you have a full backup of all of your files and applications.

  • While this method is not highly recommended, it is something you need to do when the other methods do not work.
  • Your issue is a bit more technical and therefore it should be directed to technical support.

Right-click the file you want to recover, click “Extract” and then select the folder where you want to put one file. In this example I’ll restore the Registry file ‘system’. Remember that the original file is located in WINDOWS\repair, while the active file resides in WINDOWS\system32\config. Those unfamiliar apps are most likely bloatware that you should get rid of. Once done, you can close the Troubleshooter and check for updates. Comes with MBR & GPT converter for easy disk conversion. Easily manage your disk partitions with this trusted software.

Simplifying Clear-Cut Dll Advice

KB00004 may also include other fixes with their own KB-number that were not separately released. A disadvantage of cumulative updates is that downloading and installing updates that fix individual problems is no longer possible. Windows 10 allows you to reset your computer and leave all your files untouched.